Creating Absence Reports

Creating Absence Reports

1. Click Reports on the main menu.

2. Click Absence Report on the dropdown menu.

3. Enter # of service months you want to include in your search (default is 3 months).

4. Click Church Attendees to generate church service attendance report or choose one of the group names listed to generate an attendance report specific to that group.

5. Select the service dates you would like to include in the report, then click Continue.

6. Enter the # of absences a person must have to be included on the report in the space provided, then click Generate Report.

7. The report generated on the next page includes a summary of the report in the header, the absentee(s) name, contact info, communications/notes and shows whether they were marked present/absent for each individual service date included in the report.

8. You may click on a person’s name to view/edit their profile.

9. The red X under a service date means the person was marked absent that day, the green checkmark indicates they were marked present. To mark the person as present instead of absent, click the red XNote: you cannot re-mark an absence from this screen.

10. Use Ctrl+P to print report or save as PDF.

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