How to Import Church Member Data Using Row-Per-Person Format in SteepleMate

Data Import Guide: Row-Per-Person Format

We’re thrilled to have you on board. This guide will walk you through the process of importing your church member information. Follow these steps carefully, and you’ll be set up in no time.

Important Notes:

  • Family ID: Each family must have a unique ID, starting with 1.
  • Head of Household (HOH): Always begin with the HOH for each family.
  • Attendance Groups: Use the format "Attendance – GroupName" (e.g., Attendance – Adults).
  • DO NOT DELETE HEADERS: Headers are essential for a successful import.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Family and Person Details:

  1. Family ID (Column A):

    • Each family should be numbered uniquely, starting from 1.
  2. Person Type (Column C):

    • Use the following codes to define each person's type:
      • CF: Church Family (members and regular attendees)
      • C: Contact (non-members or external contacts)
      • G: Guest
      • V: Vendor
  3. Family Role (Column F):

    • Define the role of each family member:
      • HOH: Head of Household
      • C: Child
      • G: Grandchild
      • S: Spouse

Contact Information:

  1. Mailing Title (Column G):
    • Use appropriate titles such as Miss, Mr, Mrs (note: do not include periods after titles).
  2. Address (Columns L-N):
    • Separate fields for street address, city, state, and zip code. Ensure the data is entered correctly to avoid issues in member communication.

Communication Details:

  1. Cell Phone (Column P):
    • Leave this field blank if no phone number is available. No text messages will be sent if the field is empty.
  2. Email (Column T):
    • Leave this field blank if the email is unknown. No email communication will be sent without an email address.

Additional Information:

  1. Gender (Column R):

    • Use the following codes for gender:
      • F: Female
      • M: Male
      • U: Unspecified
  2. Marital Status (Column X):

    • Use the appropriate marital status:
      • Single
      • Married
      • Divorced
      • Unknown
      • Separated
      • Widowed

Remove Example Rows:

  • Rows 2-6 are examples in the Excel template. Make sure to delete these rows before importing to avoid errors.

Ready to Import?

Once your data is complete and formatted correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Login to SteepleMate
    Use your credentials to log in to your SteepleMate account.

  2. Go to the Administration Menu
    From the dashboard, click on the Administration Menu and select "Import Data".

    import church member data

  3. Select Import Row-Per-Person
    For this import type, choose the first option, "Import Row-Per-Person", to begin uploading your file.

    SteepleMate data import

  4. Download the Template
    To start formatting your information correctly.
    Import Church Member Data

Need Help?

If you run into any issues or have questions during the process, don’t hesitate to contact the SteepleMate Support team. We're here to assist you every step of the way! This may be a good moment to explore allowing us to import your data for you. Send your account manager the exported file from your previous system and allow us an hour or two to map the data and import for you.