Marquee Shows Date at End of List: Offline Status | SteepleMate FAQ

FAQ: Why does the Marquee show a date at the end of each list?

If you notice a date appearing at the end of each list on the Marquee, it usually means that the machine is offline and cannot connect to the SteepleMate servers. Here’s how to troubleshoot this issue:

Check Your Internet Connection:

The most common reason for this issue is a lost internet connection. Ensure that the machine is connected to a stable network. Restarting the router or re-establishing the network connection can often resolve the issue and restore connectivity to the SteepleMate servers.

Verify Website Access:

To further verify the connection, try accessing from a web browser on the same machine. If the website loads successfully, it means the internet connection is active, but the issue may be specific to the SteepleMate software.

Contact Support if the Problem Persists:

If you have confirmed that the machine can access the SteepleMate website but the date still appears at the end of each list, please contact our support team. There may be an issue with the connection between your machine and the SteepleMate servers that we need to address directly.

Following these steps should help you identify and resolve the issue, allowing your Marquee to function correctly.