How to Create a New CareTrack with Steps and Participants in SteepleMate

How to Create a New CareTrack with Steps and Participants in SteepleMate

CareTracks in SteepleMate allow you to automate sequences of actions in response to specific events, such as a new guest filling out a connection card or someone missing multiple events. These automated actions can include sending messages, assigning tasks, or transitioning individuals into new CareTracks. Here’s how to create a new CareTrack, add steps, and manage participants.

Step 1: Access CareTracks

  1. From the left navigation menu, click on Care Center.
  2. Select CareTracks from the dropdown.

Step 2: Create a New CareTrack

  1. On the CareTracks screen, locate the table and click the New button.
  2. Fill out the Track Details:
    • Name: Give your CareTrack a clear and descriptive name.
    • Description: Add details about the purpose of this CareTrack.
    • Trigger: Select a trigger event for this CareTrack. For this scenario, select New Guest as the trigger.
  3. Click the green Save button.

Step 3: Configure Steps for the CareTrack

After saving, two new sections will appear: Steps and Participants.

  1. Click on the Steps section to begin configuring the actions the system will take.
  2. To create the first Step, click the New button within the Steps section.

Step 4: Define the Step’s Action Details

  1. In the Action Details dropdown, review the available options and choose the action you want the system to perform. For example:
    • Send Email
    • Send Text Message
    • Create Task
  2. In the Message Type dropdown, choose the type of message or action you want to occur for this step, such as text message, email, or task creation.

Step 5: Set Recipient Type and Compose Message

  1. In the Recipient Type dropdown, select who will receive the message or notification:
    • Subject Person: The new guest (the trigger of this track).
    • Person: An existing individual in the system.
    • Group: An existing group in the system.
  2. Compose the subject and body of the message. If you want to include personalized information, use Tokens (placeholders for data):
    • For example, use #FirstName# in the message, and it will automatically replace with the recipient's first name when sent.

Step 6: Add Additional Steps (Optional)

  1. After saving the first step, you can add additional steps by clicking New in the Steps section and repeating the process.
  2. Each step can perform a different action, send a different message, or target a different recipient type.

Step 7: Manage Participants

  1. Click on the Participants section to view individuals who are part of this CareTrack.
  2. If a new guest missed the automatic trigger, you can manually add them to the CareTrack:
    • Click Add Participant.
    • Select the person from the Track Participant dropdown.
    • Click Trigger Track to manually start the CareTrack actions for this individual.

Additional Tips:

  • Use Tokens: Tokens like #FirstName# or #LastName# can be used to automatically populate personal information in messages.
  • Automated Transition: You can transition individuals to another CareTrack automatically upon completing one, ensuring ongoing engagement and follow-up.

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