How to Create Custom Fields in SteepleMate | Personalize Your Data Management

How to Create Custom Fields

SteepleMate allows you to personalize your data management by adding custom fields across various areas of the platform. Whether it’s for the Person Manager Screen, Event Registration Pages, Custom Forms, or Surveys, custom fields offer greater flexibility to meet your church's specific needs.

Types of Custom Fields Available:

  • Date/Time: Ideal for tracking important dates or times.
  • List: Create dropdown menus with predefined options.
  • Number: Manage numerical data efficiently.
  • Person: Link a field to other profiles within the SteepleMate system.
  • Text: Add free-form text for notes or descriptions.
  • True/False: Use for binary (yes/no) choices.

Step 1: Access the Custom Fields Section

  1. From the left navigation menu, click on Administration.
  2. Select Custom Fields from the dropdown.
  • Any existing custom fields will be visible here. You can also edit or delete existing fields.

Note: Deleting a custom field disables its use but does not permanently delete the associated data.

Step 2: Create a New Custom Field

  1. Click Create New Field to begin setting up a new field.

  2. Fill out the form with the name of the field, describing what it will track.

    Example: Creating a field called "CPR Certified" to track individuals with CPR certification.

  3. Select Visibility: Choose where this custom field will be visible. You have the following options:

    • Event (Registration): Add the field to event registration pages.
    • Custom Form: Use the field in custom forms created for various purposes.
    • Group: Apply the field within group settings.
    • Person (Manager Screen): Add the field to a person's profile for individualized data.
    • Custom Surveys: Use the field in surveys distributed to members or attendees.
  4. Select the Field Type: Choose the type of field that best suits the data you want to collect:

    • Date/Time
    • List
    • Number
    • Person
    • Text
    • True/False

Step 3: Add Additional Details and Adjust Access

  1. Tooltip: Add a helpful tooltip to provide additional details for anyone filling out the custom field in a form or survey. This ensures they understand how to complete the field correctly.

  2. Access Levels: Adjust the access level for the field:

    • Decide who can see or edit this field.
    • Should this field be Administrator-only for privacy or sensitive information, or should it be accessible to all users for public surveys or forms?

Step 4: Save the Custom Field

  1. Once all details are filled in, click Save Attribute to finalize and create your new custom field.

Step 5: Verify the Custom Field

  1. You can check your newly created custom field by navigating to a person's profile in the Person Manager screen.
  2. Click on the Custom Fields section to view the new field.

    Example: If you created a "CPR Certified" field, you will now be able to track who is certified by viewing or updating this field on the profile.

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