How to Customize Your Church's Mobile App | SteepleMateLearn how to customize your church's mobile app using SteepleMate's mobile app settings.

How to Customize Your Mobile App

Customizing your church’s mobile app with SteepleMate is a straightforward process that allows you to personalize images, icons, and features, creating a tailored experience for your users. Follow the steps below to make your app stand out and reflect your church’s unique identity.

Step 1: Access Mobile App Settings

  • Navigate to the left-side Media menu, then click on Mobile App Settings.
  • Enter your church's address and coordinates, and click Search. Ensure the map pinpoint reflects your church's location. This helps people within a 90-mile radius find your church through the mobile app. Click Save to lock in the details.

Note: If valid coordinates are not provided, your church won’t appear in the app’s nearby churches list.

Step 2: Upload Images and Logos

  • Go to the Images section.
  • You can upload an intro image and a church logo. Click Browse to select your image, then click Save. Any updates made will take effect immediately in the mobile app.

Tip: If you haven’t already, download the SteepleMate app to preview the customizations as you make changes.

Step 3: Upload Custom Icons

  • In the Custom Icons section, you have the option to upload custom-designed icons for your mobile app. If you have design skills, this is the place to showcase them!
  • Click Browse to upload your custom icons and ensure they are saved to the app.

Step 4: Manage Features and Layout

SteepleMate offers a pre-configured app layout, but you have full control to customize it and stand out from the crowd.

  • Navigate to Manage Features and Layout.
  • You can organize features using the Group By field. Select By Page for a clearer overview of available customization options.

Tip: The mobile app will automatically detect each user’s access level and display only the relevant features and icons.

Main Page Features:
  • The Main Page is visible to the public and users without system access. This page includes a required Security or Login icon for members who need to access restricted sections of the app.

Step 5: Editing Features and Icons

Each feature in the app can be customized by clicking Edit. Let’s take a closer look at some customization options:

  • Rename Feature Labels: You can rename any feature as it appears in the app.
  • Reorder Features: Change the order in which features are displayed.
  • Change Icons: Click Change Icon to update a feature’s icon. You can either upload your custom icons or browse through SteepleMate’s Stock Icons. Select your preferred icon and save the changes.
  • Hide Features: If you prefer not to display certain features (e.g., "About Our Church"), you can hide them by selecting Is Hidden.

Step 6: Adjusting Feature Order and URLs

  • To change the order a feature appears, click Edit and rearrange as needed.
  • You can also update the URL linked to a feature. If you use an external website (other than the one provided by SteepleMate), you can paste your website URL here.

Step 7: Restore Default Settings

If you’re not satisfied with the changes made, simply click Restore Default Settings to revert the feature to its original state.

Step 8: Adding Custom Links

Want to add a custom link to a page, like a Facebook group or a song playlist? Click New Custom Link to begin. Complete the form and remember to click Save.