How to Generate and Export Deposits by Fund Report | SteepleMate Finance

How to Generate and Export Deposits by Fund Report

The "Deposits by Fund" report provides a detailed view of your financial transactions for a specific time period. This report includes two insightful charts and a detailed table, offering an easy-to-follow breakdown of deposits, fees, and more. You can filter, sort, and export the data to analyze your church’s financial activities efficiently.

Step 1: Accessing the Deposits by Fund Report

  • From the Finance menu, click on Deposits By Fund.
  • Select a time period or specify a custom date range, then click Search to generate the report.

Step 2: Understanding the Report

1. Net Deposit Analysis

The Net Deposit Analysis chart provides a visual representation of your net deposit as a percentage of your gross receipts. For example:
"Your gross receipts were $X, yielding a net deposit of $X. Your effective discount rate for credit card transactions was X%."

2. Deposit Trending Table

The table below provides a detailed breakdown of each transaction. You can sort and filter the following columns for better insight:

  • Batch Number
  • Number of Entries
  • Gross Amount
  • Per Transaction Amount
  • Discount Fees
  • Credits
  • Deposited Amount
  • Net Amount
  • Deposit Date
  • Transaction Number
  • Initiated Date
  • Donor's First and Last Name
  • Account Type (e.g., Checking, MasterCard)
  • Fund Deposited To
  • Transaction Type (e.g., -CK Pending, +CC)
  • Gross Amount
  • Transaction Fee
  • Discount Fee
  • Credit Amount
  • Deposited Amount
  • Net Amount

Step 3: Printing and Exporting the Report

To print or export the report:

  • Click the Print button in your browser to print the current page.
  • Alternatively, click Export (located above the table) and choose your preferred format from PDF, Excel, CSV, DOCX, or RTF.

Exporting Tip:

If you are preparing this data for sharing or further analysis, exporting to Excel or CSV may be ideal, allowing for more advanced sorting and filtering features.

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