If you plan to prepare artwork for custom kiosks, download the following templates and be sure to create your artwork in such a way that all buttons remain in the same location that they are in on the template. If you want to use distinct fonts, the fonts you choose can be used throughout the kiosk as long as you have a license from the owner of the font. Contact us with any questions you may have during the customization process.
Main Kiosk Page - This artwork is the main page of your kiosk. The empty areas above and below the buttons are filled with the text "What Do You Want To Do Today?" at the top, and your church information at the bottom. Do not make either of these part of the artwork.
Kiosk Content Page - This artwork is used on all other pages of your kiosk. You may customize the top area as well as the background.
(1920px x 1080px) ⦁ Download SVG